School and Sports Physicals Specialist

Board Certified Pediatricians, ADHD Specialists, and Pediatric Endocrinologists located in Rockville, MD
School and Sports Physicals

School and Sports Physicals services offered in Rockville , MD

School and sports physicals prepare your child to participate in mental and physical enrichment programs safely. At Abdow Friendship Pediatrics in Rockville, Maryland, pediatricians Victor Abdow Jr., MD, Azra Jagani, MD, and Amita DeSouza, MD, provide detailed school and sports physicals for children and adolescents of all ages. Schedule a school or sports physical for your child today over the phone or online.

School and Sports Physicals Q&A

What are school and sports physicals?

School and sports physicals are two similar physical exams your child might need at some point during childhood or adolescence. These two physicals include many of the same steps, but they also vary slightly. Your child might need a:

School physical

Many schools require children to get school physicals as a condition of their enrollment. They allow you to update your child’s vaccinations and give your child access to care for conditions that might interfere with their learning, like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or trouble hearing.

Sports physical

A sports physical is often a condition of your child’s participation in sports, whether through the school or an independent sports program. These physicals determine if your child is physically and mentally fit to participate in physical activity. The team can identify and treat health problems that might pose a risk, including exercise-induced asthma or back problems. 

What should my child expect during school and sports physicals?

When you bring your child to Abdow Friendship Pediatrics for school or sports physicals, you can expect to discuss your child’s health with the team at the start of the appointment. The team also measures your child’s height and weight, as well as their vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure. 


The physical exam includes tests such as:


  • Vision tests
  • Hearing tests
  • Reflex tests
  • Fitness assessments
  • Joints and flexibility tests 
  • Behavioral assessments


The team also considers your family medical history and any previous diagnoses your child has received. 

Are school and sports physicals the same as annual physicals?

Most people are aware of the value of annual physicals at any age. For children, annual physicals provide growth and development tracking and are a way to learn more about your child’s health, wellness, and age-specific needs. 


School and sports physicals are not the same as annual physicals and should not replace your child’s regularly scheduled checkups. While these physicals include many of the same tests and measurements, they serve more specific purposes than a typical checkup and are geared toward detecting problems that could impact your child in school or a sports program. 


Schedule your child’s next school or sports physical by calling Abdow Friendship Pediatrics or booking an appointment online today.

We specialize in Pediatric and Adolescent medicine in Rockville, MD. Call us to book your appointment today.